Thursday, July 14, 2011

Try Good Clean Jokes at the Office

Mark Twain once said "The human race has but one really affective weapon, and that is laughter." That's right the best weapon on the planet to take care of a frown is laughter. Looking to attack some ones frown in the office but need the right weapon try good clean jokes.

If many of you were asked "What is a joke?" Would you be able to directly answer the question? Most of us would probably answer this question with a joke. Seems like a joke isn't quite something you just hear but experience instead - the experience in most cases called laughter.

Now some of you are thinking that every time you heard a joke you didn't always experience laughter. This maybe because the jokes was crude or not crude enough depending on what your preference is. If your like me most crude jokes are offending whether I laugh or not. But not to worry there are many resources out there for less crude jokes referred to as clean jokes as opposed to the opposite called dirty jokes.

Now we can also take a look at humor. What is humor you ask? Humor is an emotion you feel maybe when there is something funny happen or even when see some thing happen and laugh at it even if its not funny. This is called finding the humor. Just like jokes different types of humor can be clean or dirty.

Why do we categorize them clean and dirty? Well the are lots of reasons but the most obvious reason is clean jokes normally fall into the G to GP rating area that are safe for a young audience. Why do we need clean jokes? Clean jokes are important because everybody needs a laugh sometimes. In some places such as work or family oriented gatherings dirty jokes are viewed as inappropriate.

The great thing about finding good clean jokes is that you can share them with other people without the fear of offending them in any way. In fact you may just be able to put a smile on each of their faces. The next time you find a great clean joke pin it up in your office or e-mail to all of your friends and family.

You can find funny stories, jokes, pictures, and even games that will leave you laughing and put a smile on your face. They have some hysterical stories that you can't help but share with others. For your own Chuck Norris Facts visit Funny & Jokes.

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