Friday, July 15, 2011

Wedding MC Jokes: How to Choose and Use Them

Your main task as a wedding speaker is to find some appropriate jokes that make you laugh when you read them and that fit the criteria of great wedding MC jokes. There are many joke formats such as: newlywed jokes, mother-in-law jokes and longevity jokes. Picking appropriate jokes for a wedding reception is a lot like wading through a swamp of politically incorrect jokes and jokes that were funny a decade or more ago. This calls for some careful choosing and planning.

What Joke to Use: The criteria for anything spoken at a wedding are very dependent on the type of wedding the bride and groom are planning. Possibilities should be discussed well in advance with the wedding couple so that everyone has the same idea about what to expect. They are the ones who have the final say about what kinds of images are appropriate for their particular audience. Be very careful if you decide to use a political joke, a so-called redneck joke or a joke that makes fun of an ethnic group. Standup comics have a wide array of subjects they can use, knowing some will work and some may not, but they know their audience and have a whole show to tie everything together. Wedding MC jokes are a small part of the total speaking responsibilities and so careful planning becomes critical.

How Many? Choosing how many jokes you plan to use is important. Evaluate the length of your speech, including the funny remarks. Is it too long? A speech that's longer than 10 minutes is rare at a wedding reception; it's just too easy for the audience to lose the interest. You can build your speech with a few jokes sprinkled in, or you can have them pre-picked on 3 x 5 cards to use in different situations, should they arise. If you like everything written down and organized, then work your funny stories and one liners into the speech. If your style is more spontaneous, then have them available on cards. It's ok to have a few more than you actually plan to use so that you're ready for a variety of situations. The MC role includes transitions through the different parts of the evening, and the use of occasional wedding MC jokes will be welcomed by the audience.

Practice, Practice: Some people are comfortable telling a funny story, but to others it's like talking with a mouth full of peanut butter. Practice telling your jokes until you're comfortable; it will seem much more natural than if you read them. Be sure you have good eye contact and pause for the punch line. Even if you're not comfortable with this type of humor, the more you repeat the jokes, the better you'll feel about including a few wedding MC jokes in your speech.

For more free tips about the duties of a wedding MC and to get more speaking ideas, visit us at our website.

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