Friday, July 22, 2011

Jokes About Being Tall - Innocent Fun Or Not

Being tall is great in many ways. However there are disadvantages to being tall also. Some people like to poke fun at taller people by making jokes that reference their height. Tall jokes can be entertaining, but can also be a cause of hurt to tall people. How to deal with this is important to maintaining self esteem.

Often driven by jealousy, making jokes about a tall persons height is an all too common occurrence. Sometimes delivered with deliberate intent to cause hurt, but sometimes in innocent fun, tall people must learn to live with hearing jokes about their height. Taller males are in a better position to emotionally deal with handling this type of scenario as society deems being tall to be a desirable quality in males. Going back to man being a hunter gatherer type animal, being tall represented more opportunity to survive the challenges that prehistoric life presented. Hence taller men usually carry a level of confidence that allow them to deal with a tall joke scenario.

Taller ladies may also be subjected to attempted ridicule over their height. Likewise it's important that they are emotionally equipped to have the strength to deal with such juvenile behavior as using jokes about tall folks. Taller ladies should be proud of their elegant stature, but may also choose to be cognisant of their clothing so as not to over play their height. At all times they must keep in mind that the advantages of being tall far outweigh the disadvantages of being tall. Hence coping with the occasional tall person joke should be seen as one of those occasional hazards of tall stature.

If you choose to tell jokes about tall ladies or gentlemen in public, be aware of the hurt they could cause. Most times it will be innocent fun between friends and us tall people will not take offense, especially if we are not within earshot. But think before you joke about tall people. For some inoffensive jokes about tall people and lots more on the joys of being tall, please go to is an informational site covering all topics on being tall including the advantages of being tall, and some non-offensive jokes about tall people. Enjoy BeingTall.

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Humor and SMS Jokes to Keep You Always Smile

Humor is vital part of life, including work life and a very substantial in our conversation. The sense of humor is as necessary for keeping your vision healthy and for developing strong relationship. Everyone enjoys the company of person who can deliver humor well. Humor is much deeper than laughter. Without humor our life would be very colorless and becomes dull and monotonous. The use of humor in our daily life brightens our day and may also make strides our mental and physical health.

Humor affects us in our daily life. Whether you are working in big company or small company, whether you are in marketing department, finance department or accounts department, you probably come across a person who is very funny in nature and enlighten your day with his humorous nature. He spread the humor and joy with his funny sayings and jokes and makes you feel happy. If these humorous persons are not there with us, our life would become very boring.

What are SMS Jokes? SMS Jokes are sweet, funny and short messages that are particularly used for sending to your friends via SMS text messages. You need to master the art of text Jokes if you use text messaging as your operations in your daily life.

Sending SMS Jokes is a great way spread the humor. In fact, it is the easiest way to makes your friends smile and forget the stress of your daily life. Sharing funny jokes with your mates' cam make the serious moments of life much lighter. Reading and sending sms Jokes helps you access laughter and joy within you and it helps you relieves the tension and embarrassment by adding some fun and humor to it.

There are thousand of websites on internet where you can read thousand of SMS Jokes. The jokes in these websites all well places in different categories e.g. funny sms jokes, Hindi sms jokes, flirt sms jokes, funny sayings jokes etc. so that you can easily access them. When using SMS Jokes, it is important to choose the sms which doesn't make angry to the receiver of sms. You should choose the sms which should not be very rude or dirty, choose one according to taste and nature of receiving person.

Hence, SMS Jokes are great way to interact with your friends. They help you keep smile on your face as well as your friend's face and let you forget the stress of daily life.

Visit our website to read thousand of SMS Jokes or read some Funny Sayings collection to make you feel good.

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Humor And Funny One Line Jokes

Having been immersed in humorous prose of all kinds and funny one line jokes for so many years, I am now fairly certain that I can recognize humor when I see it without it having to leap up and bite me on the thigh, but I would not claim to know much more about it than that, except for the following brief points.

First of all, I would like to give a working definition of English humor: an odd, embarrassing or funny incident experienced or observed, and described later in a plain manner, which might or might not call for laughter. The English sense of humor is an agreeable mixture of a sense of fun and a sense of proportion, which is not at all the same thing as a taste for buffoonery. Perhaps a small axiom could be proposed: beware of people who only laugh at funny one line jokes.

A joke has a measurable potential of laughter; there are snigger-sized jokes, guffaw-sized jokes, and hearty laughter-sized jokes. Humor has no such limitations for example, might only give the reader quiet pleasure and on the other hand if it catches the reader off guard and in the right mood, its effect can be violent and prolonged, inducing, in my case, uncontrollable surges of laughter, hiccups, and a curious snoring noise in trying to regain breath.

Humor does not put a value on itself by announcing that it is going to make you laugh. To tell someone to stop being funny or hilarious is to dictate to them what their sense of humor should be, and a sense of humor is a most personal possession that should not to be tampered with. Any attempt to alter personal comedy results whether they are only funny one line jokes.. is wanting the owner to end the piece asap and is recommended less than hilarious and rather disappointing.

It took some twelve years to assemble a representative selection of five hundred years of humorous prose. What emerged from the vast amount of material collected was that pure English humor, besides being itself, also functioned over the centuries like good stock in cookery, enriching other kinds of comedy and giving them added flavor. Wit with humor proved to be more appreciated than wit being clever all by itself, satire expressed through humor, was found to be more widely effective, jokes built on humorous observation had a deeper appeal.

Comedy does not work in a vacuum either, its audience has to be in the right mood of expectancy and confidence, a mood which a comedian must create with his opening remarks. In literature, a humorous writer has to set the receptive mood he wants his reader to be in with his opening paragraphs so the quoted humorous pieces and funny one line jokes, are set within a commentary which introduces them by describing how the extracts came to be written, or why, with perhaps facts or anecdotes or gossip about the author, or what was going on at the time, the aim being to bring the reader up to the beginning of each piece in a good frame of mind to appreciate it.

Welcome, I hope you liked this article - from David Lloyd, it's all about having as much fun as possible, lifestyle and personal development. Check out ==> Funny-One-Line-Jokes and congratulations.. you qualify for the All New Unadvertised "Shock and Awe" Bonus Package! Click on the link to see the Latest and Best in funny one line jokes and comedy with a free ebook and special bonuses, go to ==> Funny-One-Line-Jokes This is the best deal on the internet, you've got to be kidding!

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Women and Jokes - What Jokes to Avoid When Trying to Make Women Laugh

Humor is a great way to attract women. Men with a good sense of humor are far more popular amongst women. But telling a a appropriate joke at the right time is very hard to do. Some people are born with a good sense of humor and some are not. It is not easy to impress somebody with a funny anecdote and it takes time to master this skill. Even most comedians who are very good at being funny, have worked very hard for it. Some jokes work but some should be avoided.

Religious, ethnic, sexist jokes

You have to stay as far away from these jokes as much as possible, especially if you are with some women for the first time and who you don´t know. This does not leave a positive impression of yourself and leaving a negative impressive on the first date is a death sentence. Even if a woman laughs, then that does not mean she liked it. If you have doubts about telling some joke then watch her body language, if she is unhappy and tense then avoid silly jokes like that.

Joking about her

It is alright in certain situations to joke about a woman. And in some situations that can be very useful. However you should never joke about her in front of a group or some other person. She may feel singled out and if you try to be funny in a bigger group, then some people may not get the point. And that can be very awkward.

Lame jokes

If you want to tell a lame joke then don´t tell it to a stranger. They only work for women who already know you or if they realize you are deliberately being lame. Avoid them, especially when you first meet someone, afterwards when you already know more about each other, go ahead.

End with the funniest joke

The last impression is almost as important as the first impression. If you can make somebody really laugh, in the end of a date for example, then you leave a great impression. The magician always does his best trick in the end of the show, this makes the performance unforgettable. The same is with dating. She will keep thinking about how you made her laugh and she might even forget, you were a little clumsy in the beginning.

Always make some notes in your mind about what worked and what did not. If you repeat the same line over and over to a woman, she will think you are boring. The best way to find out what works and what doesn't is trial and error. You should always keep the best jokes and use them, instead of telling new ones every time.

Don't Know How To Approach Beautiful Women? Here's How To Break Through Their "Shields" Easily Using The Power Of Humor -

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

When Are Jokes Considered to Be Offensive?

Taki once said "Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom." Humor can remind us of many things - and some times it reminds us of the differences between our selves and others. Many times we think these differences are funny because they are strange to us so be caution when using jokes.

In this day and age it seems that everything or at least almost everything is a joke to people. We find it very easy to make fun of people because of their skin color, their religion, their profession, or even where they live. Many of us find these jokes incredibly funny - but do we think about the people that they are making fun of? Do we stop to think about how offensive it may be to someone?

As kids many of us were taught to respect our elders and to respect other people. It didn't matter whether they were black or white, Jewish or Catholic, brunette or blondes, or even lawyers or politicians. But somewhere between growing up and trying to fit in our views become skewed and we find ourselves doing things differently.

It can be hard sometimes not to find certain jokes funny even if they are making fun of other types of people. You have many television show hosts like Jay Leno making fun of celebrities and politicians and sometimes we just have to agree with them. Then you have singers like Weird Al who takes songs and turns them into parodies of the way people can act or how nerdy someone can be.

I believe that there are some jokes that are hilarious and I love to pass them around and share them with others. But at the same time I try to make sure that they are not so offensive. For example there are some blonde jokes that are just downright funny and then there are some that are taken too far. I know that many perceive blondes as being brainless and that is where the jokes come from. I was blonde (once upon a time) - but I never took these jokes to heart and understood they were just for fun.

The best thing to remember is not to take these jokes too far and to keep them in moderation. Not every joke is supposed to be taken literally. Just because they are making fun of a lawyer doesn't mean they are talking about you. If you are going to use it to tease others then just make sure they will find it funny and don't take it too far.

On those really hard days at work we need something that will cheer us up and put a smile on our face. F&J is the best joke site on the web that has hundreds of blonde jokes, lawyer jokes and even funny comics. You can read them yourself and even send them to people in your office.

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It is Better to Keep Your Jokes Short

Ever experienced any long lecture? Ever gone through any long program? If your answer is yes, then you must know about the boredom that long scripts bring. It make the atmosphere dull and uninteresting. So I always stay in favor of something which is short and simple. Whenever you say something short in descriptive way is more impressive. And today's fast demanding life, no one has time to listen long descriptions so it is always better to keep it short and summaries.

We often take help of jokes for creating fun and humor but i would suggest that jokes should always be short. Long jokes are unable to maintain listeners interest. Short Jokes are three or four liners jokes and able to create instant laughter on others face. They are interesting. I would like add one more point that these jokes are very easy to recall. When we feel like making some fun, they instantly click on our mind and come out. They are so funny that one can not stifle his/her laughter.

I would like to share some positive points of keep your jokes short.

- Listener can easily understand them.

- You can discuss lots of short jokes in very less point of time.

- Your audience will eager to hear more from you.

- It is easy for you to remember all your jokes.

- You can show your comic timing.

In short these short jokes are the best medium to make everyone smile and they are less time consuming. Everyone likes these kind of pranks as they burn boredom. I personally search for the same kind of jokes. The choices of these funny material also depend on the occasion. So always be happy and try to make others happy. It is just a small effort in making you all aware about the humor.

You can enjoy lots of jokes at Short Jokes

and also welcome to motivate yourself through Short quotes

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Timeless Lines Turned Technological With SMS Jokes

A sense of humor is one of the top requirements anyone lists in a potential mate or date. "I want someone to make me laugh," is a common response to the question, "What do you want in a man or woman?" With the popularity of mobile phone dating, it then becomes important to know how to deliver good SMS jokes in order to attract more possible dates.

What are SMS jokes? SMS jokes are short, cute or funny messages that are specifically designed to be sent via text messaging. If you are using cell phones and text messaging in order to meet people, then you will definitely need to practice and perfect the art of SMS jokes!

But I'm not funny! Some of us have a hard time being funny in a regular one-on-one conversation, so SMS jokes just are not going to come naturally to us. There are other people who have a good sense of humor, but generally rely on facial expressions and other body movements to convey many of their jokes.

If you fall into either of these categories, you may think that SMS jokes will be beyond you. You may be worried about your ability to successfully carry off a funny, successful text conversation. But you do not have to worry! There are dozens of websites devoted entirely to SMS jokes of every type imaginable.

Some of these websites include,,, and These sites each have hundreds of SMS jokes that you can search through by category. You may find some great inspiration for your own witty and flirty text messages. The best way to use these sites is not to copy the jokes directly, but to reword them to fit your situation and personality.

Words of caution when using SMS jokes. It is important to remember that when using SMS jokes, you should still follow basic guidelines of taste. You do not want to send numerous messages that are actually better examples of rude test messages than funny ones. It is common for people to feel much more free in what they say via a text message, and many people text things they would never, ever say in person!

Always remember when using cell phone dating practices that you actually intend on meeting some of these people. After all, it would be pointless to cultivate a possibly romantic relationship with someone you are never going to meet. If you would be completely embarrassed by telling a joke in person, you may want to avoid texting it.

In the same line of thought, certain SMS jokes that can be found online will probably give an impression that you mean to have a sexual fling, and not a true relationship. Unless you actually do aim for a hot and heavy fling, then you should probably avoid these times of text jokes as well

Regardless of your personality, you should be able to find SMS jokes that will put a smile on your special friend, but that also are true to who you really are.

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