Friday, July 15, 2011

Joke Telling - How to Get a Laugh Everytime

Telling a joke effectively and getting laugh isn't easy. It takes practice, skill, and some level of tact. To some some people it comes naturally, while others need some fine tuning. Below, the tactics used by professional comedians have been broken down into simple, easy-to-follow details for those who want to brush up on their joke delivery skills.

First Essentials

Let's start at the very beginning with the understanding of the anatomy of a joke. There are two parts: the first is the background, which gives the information necessary to appreciate the punch line. The second is the punch line, which is the last line of a joke and reveals the humor led up to in the first part. Either without the other isn't funny.

Selecting an Appropriate Joke

When deciding what joke to tell, consider your audience. You want to pick a joke that:

-your audience will understand (telling a joke about politics to six year olds will get you nowhere)

-won't offend anyone in your audience (jokes based on religion, ethnicity, physical characteristics should be avoided for this reason and are generally in bad taste)

-is appropriate to the situation (a rowdy joke shouldn't be told in an office, school, or other serious place)

-you understand (if you don't know what you're talking about, there's a great chance you may end up embarrassing yourself)

How to Deliver a Joke

Step 1. Know your joke.

When you begin, it's important to remember that, if nothing else, your recitation should be smooth. Fumbling through the telling irrepairably damages the humorous tone of your story. Also remember that you should NEVER begin by announcing that the joke is going to be funny. This is VERY second rate and puts your audience in the uncomfortable position of being obliged to laugh whether or not they are amused.

Step 2. Deliver the Background Information.

Now you already know what you're going to say, so relax. You need to provide the background information clearly but briefly.

-Speak clearly, authoritatively, and at a moderate pace.

-Don't digress; only provide relevant information and make every word count.

-Allow time for your audience to comprehend what you've said. (The slight tension this builds up is an invaluable addition to the humor in the end)

Step 3. Drop the Punch Line

Now you've got your hearers going. This is what you've really been leading up to. After hearing and understanding the build-up they're waiting to be bowled over by a brilliant conclusion. DON'T DISAPPOINT! To effectively deliver the punch line:

-Intone your voice ever so slightly to signal the arrival of the conclusion. (Some comedians and humorists say that this may be unnecessary if you're REALLY good, but many jokes have lost much of their steam because the audience didn't realize the punch line had arrived.)

-Don't rush. A measured, confident and controlled manner of speech is ideal.

Step 4. The Payoff

Enjoy the rewarding feeling of the laughter of an amused audience.

In rare cases, they may not laugh. But if you considered what kind of joke they would appreciate and delivered it clearly and briefly, then the problem probably isn't you. Sometimes people just aren't in the mood to laugh. This is where the little issue of tact comes in. With practice, you'll learn the fine points and before long you will be guaranteed a laugh every single time.

Final Hints, Tips and Tricks.

Emphasis can be added vocally by pausing briefly before or after important points and physically by slight movements of the body simultaneously with dramatic or important events in the joke.

Learn from the pros by watching and imitating comedians you enjoy.

Practice makes perfect, as with so many other skills.

If you have trouble remembering a joke word for word as you heard or read it, that's fine. Only, you must make sure that you remember enough of it to make your improvisation is seamless.

Keep your voice up at the end of a punch line to draw a bigger response from the audience. This works the same way a raised voice at the end of a question prompts a response from the hearer.

It's considered extremely amateur to chuckle your way through a joke. Enough said.

Don't kick yourself too hard if your first attempts fall short of your ideal expectations. As mentioned above practice is the key to success.

Lastly, be spontaneous. Once you have the guidelines above noted, FORGET ABOUT THEM. If you sound like you're getting this out of a book, then it will kill the natural fun of joking.

Webiny Lumshway

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