Friday, July 22, 2011

Jokes About Being Tall - Innocent Fun Or Not

Being tall is great in many ways. However there are disadvantages to being tall also. Some people like to poke fun at taller people by making jokes that reference their height. Tall jokes can be entertaining, but can also be a cause of hurt to tall people. How to deal with this is important to maintaining self esteem.

Often driven by jealousy, making jokes about a tall persons height is an all too common occurrence. Sometimes delivered with deliberate intent to cause hurt, but sometimes in innocent fun, tall people must learn to live with hearing jokes about their height. Taller males are in a better position to emotionally deal with handling this type of scenario as society deems being tall to be a desirable quality in males. Going back to man being a hunter gatherer type animal, being tall represented more opportunity to survive the challenges that prehistoric life presented. Hence taller men usually carry a level of confidence that allow them to deal with a tall joke scenario.

Taller ladies may also be subjected to attempted ridicule over their height. Likewise it's important that they are emotionally equipped to have the strength to deal with such juvenile behavior as using jokes about tall folks. Taller ladies should be proud of their elegant stature, but may also choose to be cognisant of their clothing so as not to over play their height. At all times they must keep in mind that the advantages of being tall far outweigh the disadvantages of being tall. Hence coping with the occasional tall person joke should be seen as one of those occasional hazards of tall stature.

If you choose to tell jokes about tall ladies or gentlemen in public, be aware of the hurt they could cause. Most times it will be innocent fun between friends and us tall people will not take offense, especially if we are not within earshot. But think before you joke about tall people. For some inoffensive jokes about tall people and lots more on the joys of being tall, please go to is an informational site covering all topics on being tall including the advantages of being tall, and some non-offensive jokes about tall people. Enjoy BeingTall.

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Humor and SMS Jokes to Keep You Always Smile

Humor is vital part of life, including work life and a very substantial in our conversation. The sense of humor is as necessary for keeping your vision healthy and for developing strong relationship. Everyone enjoys the company of person who can deliver humor well. Humor is much deeper than laughter. Without humor our life would be very colorless and becomes dull and monotonous. The use of humor in our daily life brightens our day and may also make strides our mental and physical health.

Humor affects us in our daily life. Whether you are working in big company or small company, whether you are in marketing department, finance department or accounts department, you probably come across a person who is very funny in nature and enlighten your day with his humorous nature. He spread the humor and joy with his funny sayings and jokes and makes you feel happy. If these humorous persons are not there with us, our life would become very boring.

What are SMS Jokes? SMS Jokes are sweet, funny and short messages that are particularly used for sending to your friends via SMS text messages. You need to master the art of text Jokes if you use text messaging as your operations in your daily life.

Sending SMS Jokes is a great way spread the humor. In fact, it is the easiest way to makes your friends smile and forget the stress of your daily life. Sharing funny jokes with your mates' cam make the serious moments of life much lighter. Reading and sending sms Jokes helps you access laughter and joy within you and it helps you relieves the tension and embarrassment by adding some fun and humor to it.

There are thousand of websites on internet where you can read thousand of SMS Jokes. The jokes in these websites all well places in different categories e.g. funny sms jokes, Hindi sms jokes, flirt sms jokes, funny sayings jokes etc. so that you can easily access them. When using SMS Jokes, it is important to choose the sms which doesn't make angry to the receiver of sms. You should choose the sms which should not be very rude or dirty, choose one according to taste and nature of receiving person.

Hence, SMS Jokes are great way to interact with your friends. They help you keep smile on your face as well as your friend's face and let you forget the stress of daily life.

Visit our website to read thousand of SMS Jokes or read some Funny Sayings collection to make you feel good.

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Humor And Funny One Line Jokes

Having been immersed in humorous prose of all kinds and funny one line jokes for so many years, I am now fairly certain that I can recognize humor when I see it without it having to leap up and bite me on the thigh, but I would not claim to know much more about it than that, except for the following brief points.

First of all, I would like to give a working definition of English humor: an odd, embarrassing or funny incident experienced or observed, and described later in a plain manner, which might or might not call for laughter. The English sense of humor is an agreeable mixture of a sense of fun and a sense of proportion, which is not at all the same thing as a taste for buffoonery. Perhaps a small axiom could be proposed: beware of people who only laugh at funny one line jokes.

A joke has a measurable potential of laughter; there are snigger-sized jokes, guffaw-sized jokes, and hearty laughter-sized jokes. Humor has no such limitations for example, might only give the reader quiet pleasure and on the other hand if it catches the reader off guard and in the right mood, its effect can be violent and prolonged, inducing, in my case, uncontrollable surges of laughter, hiccups, and a curious snoring noise in trying to regain breath.

Humor does not put a value on itself by announcing that it is going to make you laugh. To tell someone to stop being funny or hilarious is to dictate to them what their sense of humor should be, and a sense of humor is a most personal possession that should not to be tampered with. Any attempt to alter personal comedy results whether they are only funny one line jokes.. is wanting the owner to end the piece asap and is recommended less than hilarious and rather disappointing.

It took some twelve years to assemble a representative selection of five hundred years of humorous prose. What emerged from the vast amount of material collected was that pure English humor, besides being itself, also functioned over the centuries like good stock in cookery, enriching other kinds of comedy and giving them added flavor. Wit with humor proved to be more appreciated than wit being clever all by itself, satire expressed through humor, was found to be more widely effective, jokes built on humorous observation had a deeper appeal.

Comedy does not work in a vacuum either, its audience has to be in the right mood of expectancy and confidence, a mood which a comedian must create with his opening remarks. In literature, a humorous writer has to set the receptive mood he wants his reader to be in with his opening paragraphs so the quoted humorous pieces and funny one line jokes, are set within a commentary which introduces them by describing how the extracts came to be written, or why, with perhaps facts or anecdotes or gossip about the author, or what was going on at the time, the aim being to bring the reader up to the beginning of each piece in a good frame of mind to appreciate it.

Welcome, I hope you liked this article - from David Lloyd, it's all about having as much fun as possible, lifestyle and personal development. Check out ==> Funny-One-Line-Jokes and congratulations.. you qualify for the All New Unadvertised "Shock and Awe" Bonus Package! Click on the link to see the Latest and Best in funny one line jokes and comedy with a free ebook and special bonuses, go to ==> Funny-One-Line-Jokes This is the best deal on the internet, you've got to be kidding!

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Women and Jokes - What Jokes to Avoid When Trying to Make Women Laugh

Humor is a great way to attract women. Men with a good sense of humor are far more popular amongst women. But telling a a appropriate joke at the right time is very hard to do. Some people are born with a good sense of humor and some are not. It is not easy to impress somebody with a funny anecdote and it takes time to master this skill. Even most comedians who are very good at being funny, have worked very hard for it. Some jokes work but some should be avoided.

Religious, ethnic, sexist jokes

You have to stay as far away from these jokes as much as possible, especially if you are with some women for the first time and who you don´t know. This does not leave a positive impression of yourself and leaving a negative impressive on the first date is a death sentence. Even if a woman laughs, then that does not mean she liked it. If you have doubts about telling some joke then watch her body language, if she is unhappy and tense then avoid silly jokes like that.

Joking about her

It is alright in certain situations to joke about a woman. And in some situations that can be very useful. However you should never joke about her in front of a group or some other person. She may feel singled out and if you try to be funny in a bigger group, then some people may not get the point. And that can be very awkward.

Lame jokes

If you want to tell a lame joke then don´t tell it to a stranger. They only work for women who already know you or if they realize you are deliberately being lame. Avoid them, especially when you first meet someone, afterwards when you already know more about each other, go ahead.

End with the funniest joke

The last impression is almost as important as the first impression. If you can make somebody really laugh, in the end of a date for example, then you leave a great impression. The magician always does his best trick in the end of the show, this makes the performance unforgettable. The same is with dating. She will keep thinking about how you made her laugh and she might even forget, you were a little clumsy in the beginning.

Always make some notes in your mind about what worked and what did not. If you repeat the same line over and over to a woman, she will think you are boring. The best way to find out what works and what doesn't is trial and error. You should always keep the best jokes and use them, instead of telling new ones every time.

Don't Know How To Approach Beautiful Women? Here's How To Break Through Their "Shields" Easily Using The Power Of Humor -

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

When Are Jokes Considered to Be Offensive?

Taki once said "Humor is a reminder that no matter how high the throne one sits on, one sits on one's bottom." Humor can remind us of many things - and some times it reminds us of the differences between our selves and others. Many times we think these differences are funny because they are strange to us so be caution when using jokes.

In this day and age it seems that everything or at least almost everything is a joke to people. We find it very easy to make fun of people because of their skin color, their religion, their profession, or even where they live. Many of us find these jokes incredibly funny - but do we think about the people that they are making fun of? Do we stop to think about how offensive it may be to someone?

As kids many of us were taught to respect our elders and to respect other people. It didn't matter whether they were black or white, Jewish or Catholic, brunette or blondes, or even lawyers or politicians. But somewhere between growing up and trying to fit in our views become skewed and we find ourselves doing things differently.

It can be hard sometimes not to find certain jokes funny even if they are making fun of other types of people. You have many television show hosts like Jay Leno making fun of celebrities and politicians and sometimes we just have to agree with them. Then you have singers like Weird Al who takes songs and turns them into parodies of the way people can act or how nerdy someone can be.

I believe that there are some jokes that are hilarious and I love to pass them around and share them with others. But at the same time I try to make sure that they are not so offensive. For example there are some blonde jokes that are just downright funny and then there are some that are taken too far. I know that many perceive blondes as being brainless and that is where the jokes come from. I was blonde (once upon a time) - but I never took these jokes to heart and understood they were just for fun.

The best thing to remember is not to take these jokes too far and to keep them in moderation. Not every joke is supposed to be taken literally. Just because they are making fun of a lawyer doesn't mean they are talking about you. If you are going to use it to tease others then just make sure they will find it funny and don't take it too far.

On those really hard days at work we need something that will cheer us up and put a smile on our face. F&J is the best joke site on the web that has hundreds of blonde jokes, lawyer jokes and even funny comics. You can read them yourself and even send them to people in your office.

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It is Better to Keep Your Jokes Short

Ever experienced any long lecture? Ever gone through any long program? If your answer is yes, then you must know about the boredom that long scripts bring. It make the atmosphere dull and uninteresting. So I always stay in favor of something which is short and simple. Whenever you say something short in descriptive way is more impressive. And today's fast demanding life, no one has time to listen long descriptions so it is always better to keep it short and summaries.

We often take help of jokes for creating fun and humor but i would suggest that jokes should always be short. Long jokes are unable to maintain listeners interest. Short Jokes are three or four liners jokes and able to create instant laughter on others face. They are interesting. I would like add one more point that these jokes are very easy to recall. When we feel like making some fun, they instantly click on our mind and come out. They are so funny that one can not stifle his/her laughter.

I would like to share some positive points of keep your jokes short.

- Listener can easily understand them.

- You can discuss lots of short jokes in very less point of time.

- Your audience will eager to hear more from you.

- It is easy for you to remember all your jokes.

- You can show your comic timing.

In short these short jokes are the best medium to make everyone smile and they are less time consuming. Everyone likes these kind of pranks as they burn boredom. I personally search for the same kind of jokes. The choices of these funny material also depend on the occasion. So always be happy and try to make others happy. It is just a small effort in making you all aware about the humor.

You can enjoy lots of jokes at Short Jokes

and also welcome to motivate yourself through Short quotes

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Timeless Lines Turned Technological With SMS Jokes

A sense of humor is one of the top requirements anyone lists in a potential mate or date. "I want someone to make me laugh," is a common response to the question, "What do you want in a man or woman?" With the popularity of mobile phone dating, it then becomes important to know how to deliver good SMS jokes in order to attract more possible dates.

What are SMS jokes? SMS jokes are short, cute or funny messages that are specifically designed to be sent via text messaging. If you are using cell phones and text messaging in order to meet people, then you will definitely need to practice and perfect the art of SMS jokes!

But I'm not funny! Some of us have a hard time being funny in a regular one-on-one conversation, so SMS jokes just are not going to come naturally to us. There are other people who have a good sense of humor, but generally rely on facial expressions and other body movements to convey many of their jokes.

If you fall into either of these categories, you may think that SMS jokes will be beyond you. You may be worried about your ability to successfully carry off a funny, successful text conversation. But you do not have to worry! There are dozens of websites devoted entirely to SMS jokes of every type imaginable.

Some of these websites include,,, and These sites each have hundreds of SMS jokes that you can search through by category. You may find some great inspiration for your own witty and flirty text messages. The best way to use these sites is not to copy the jokes directly, but to reword them to fit your situation and personality.

Words of caution when using SMS jokes. It is important to remember that when using SMS jokes, you should still follow basic guidelines of taste. You do not want to send numerous messages that are actually better examples of rude test messages than funny ones. It is common for people to feel much more free in what they say via a text message, and many people text things they would never, ever say in person!

Always remember when using cell phone dating practices that you actually intend on meeting some of these people. After all, it would be pointless to cultivate a possibly romantic relationship with someone you are never going to meet. If you would be completely embarrassed by telling a joke in person, you may want to avoid texting it.

In the same line of thought, certain SMS jokes that can be found online will probably give an impression that you mean to have a sexual fling, and not a true relationship. Unless you actually do aim for a hot and heavy fling, then you should probably avoid these times of text jokes as well

Regardless of your personality, you should be able to find SMS jokes that will put a smile on your special friend, but that also are true to who you really are.

Text dating [] - it's what your phone was made for! Looking for that special someone who will spend those lonely nights with you? Then get with text flirting [] and text dating and check out the greatest SMS romantic match service ever to storm the UK. This is the hottest UK SMS text match service and the only one with a money back guarantee. Yes, you read that correctly. We are so sure you will find that special someone to SMS flirt with, that we offer you a crisp £10 note if we cannot. If, by some slim chance, we cannot find a text flirt match for you within five minutes of registering and within a ten mile radius of you, we will give you a crisp tenner. Yes, it's true! Our UK text dating and text flirting service is the latest and greatest way to find a date easily and quickly.

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40th Birthday Jokes

What is it about one's 40th birthday that makes one dread it? The answer is that most people hate the thought of being "over the hill"! Even as turning forty is not one of the easiest things in the world, it sure does open up the flood gates of pranks and jokes! Some people take an almost sadistic pleasure in knowing that a friend or relative has turned forty! While they may not peer closely at your hair in the hope of spotting your gray hair, they will not pass up the opportunity of sending you a 40th birthday gift, joke or gag that conveys the message loud and clear!

Leaving these people behind, there are others who love to have a good laugh and therefore enjoy sending out funny poems and gifts that not only lighten the event but bring joy and laughter along with sincere wishes to the recipient. Don't forget that turning forty is a milestone in life's journey, and has to be remembered. As this is an important birthday, make sure that you make your friend's fortieth birthday a memorable one filled with fun and laughter.

There are plenty of jokes that actually make fun of aging or becoming old. These surely help in lightening the fear and dread of becoming older, by adding laughter to the whole situation. Make sure that someone you care for has a fortieth birthday that is funny without being corny by bringing joy to a person who is getting older. It makes it easier to do this if the person celebrating his/her 40th birthday has a great sense of humor.

One-liners and short jokes are the ones that are best. It is obvious that most fortieth birthday jokes will end with a great punch line about becoming older. If your joke is too long, then it could get boring and end up with the listener anticipating the typical punch line before you can get to it. Therefore short, quick jokes are the answer.

Another tip is that you should not overdo it. Tell only a few "over the hill" jokes which will be really funny. If you tell too many jokes at a time, it will not only get boring but monotonous. Never ever make the person feel really old, especially if YOU are younger! The point of telling these 40th birthday jokes is to have fun and not to make the person feel worse.

You can try and be original by making up your own fortieth birthday jokes. This can be done by changing around certain details so that they actually relate to personal situations in the person's life. Mix personal stories about the "birthday boy/gal" with your jokes so that they are more entertaining. All the time, you have to remember that the main aim of all these jokes is to have fun - so do not go overboard and be insulting and sarcastic etc.

Make sure that you hit your friend's or relative's funny bone with 40th birthday jokes, gifts or gags that will not only guarantee laughter and entertainment all around but make them feel better about their balding pate, expanding middle or thick glasses! You could also get a funny singing telegram to surprise the person at home or at the office. This is sure to send colleagues and co-workers into splits of laughter.

For more information on where you can find the best 40th birthday jokes, gift ideas, and tips you need to take a look at

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Learn to Be Funny - Jokes to Open a Presentation

An easy and simple way to immediately add humor to your presentation is to include it in your introduction. This way you can potentially have your audience laughing even before you set foot on stage, this is not a bad thing. Now, when I say you can use jokes to open a presentation you do not necessarily have to use a street joke.

If you are not clear on the term, a street joke is a joke you get told by a friend or work colleague in a social situation. Such as the "man walks into a bar..." type jokes. More often than not these do not have an authorship.

But you do not have to use those. You can simply create your own presentation introduction jokes, but harnessing your own sense of humor. Can you think of something humorous, and relevant to your presentation which the person introducing you can read out? Quick tip; if you do make sure it is appropriate for the environment you are speaking in.

Is there a way that you can find a witty quote, or inside joke that connects well with your presentation as well as with your audience?

You can use street jokes, but I would provide two warnings if you do so. The first is if you use a street joke I would edit it so that it was in my words and I would personalise it. Secondly, be very careful if you find a street joke online or in a book. There is a very high chance that someone else may be using the same joke. If they are on the same bill as you it could be dangerous. Or if you are the only speaker, you might have someone coming up to you afterwards and telling you that they had heard the joke before.

Also, many presenters waste valuable audience connection time by having their introduction packed with biographical information. You know the type, "our next speaker as an MBA, BBC and NBC..." who cares?

Remember that your audience is always going to be thinking: "what is in it for me?" So why not tell them right off the bat? Inform your audience exactly what they will get out of listening to you. What is their take away? Will they learn a specific set of tools? Are you giving them an action plan?

By telling them what they can expect to get out of your presentation before you even begin, you can help grab their interest before you even walk out in front of them. So not only are you connecting with your audience through the power of laughter by using jokes to open a presentation, but you are also relaying the benefits they will get.

The next step is using jokes to open a presentation once you are on the speaking platform. Again, you want to make it relevant to your content. You could also find a way to make it relevant to something that is immediately noticeable, like the backdrop. Be careful with this one though, mocking the backdrop or something else that you share the platform with, might seem as though you are biting the hand that feeds you.

You can also open and immediately connect with your audience by referring back to something that got a laugh by a previous speaker. Find a way to slightly re-phrase that person's comment. Your audience will love you for it because it shows that you are in the moment, you are paying attention and your presentation is alive and fresh just for them.

Do not spend too long being funny in your opening though, remember you have to carry on and deliver your overall message. Unless of course, your whole speech is humorous then that is a whole other ballgame as you will want to continue being humorous.

Remember, if you say that you are going to provide them with definite take-ways, actually provide them with those take-aways. Do not fail to deliver on your promise. Always strive to over-deliver on your promise.

Jason Peck is a Humorist, Speaker and Coach based in Chicago, Illinois. He provides upmarket presentation skills training and coaching. Check out his blog Pro Humorist

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Funniest Joke in the World - What is It?

Cultures vary greatly in their perception of what's funny -- you'll realize this if you ever travel to a foreign culture and attempt to translate a joke that works well in your native culture.  This fact didn't stop Professor Richard Wiseman (of the The British Association for the Advancement of Science) to attempt to determine what is the funniest joke in the world.  The joke would have to be ranked highest among many countries of vastly different cultures. 

The project set out a request for joke submissions.  The result was 40,000 jokes.  The researchers had the jokes rated by a large sample population from diverse areas of the globe.  The project was formally called LaughLab. 

I've often thought that if mankind ever discovered the funniest joke in the world, he may fall into a constant state of laughter and never regain his composure, possibly resulting in cardiac arrest or asphyxiation.  In other words, he may laugh himself to death.  I wondered if perhaps an ancient people had discovered the funniest joke, and had determined that it's deadly for people to hear.  Maybe it's hidden in an ancient realm -- like the ark of the covenant -- possibly guarded by a long line of comedians.  Is it like the DaVinci Code: A secret that mankind was never meant to uncover?

We may never know that answer, but at least we'll know what Dr. Wiseman determined to be the funniest joke across all cultures,  Fortunately it won't send you into a deadly laughing fit.  According to a multi-cultural sample, the funniest joke is the following:

A couple of New Jersey hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing, his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps to the operator: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator, in a calm soothing voice says: "Just take it easy. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a shot is heard. The guy's voice comes back on the line. He says: "OK, now what?

Don't die on me -- it's not that funny.  If you're looking for the best jokes in the world, visit my site. 

Soren Michaels is a humorist living in the Chicago area. Find his collection of Best Jokes in the World at:

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Yo Mama Jokes - A Sad History

Most of us perceive jokes as inconsequential elements which are mainly derived from our day to day activities to add some humor to our dull and busy schedules. Interestingly, very few of us realize that jokes form a realm of their own that is governed not only by morality, ethics, the art of narration, sense of timing and most importantly the ability to relieve our tangled mass of nerves; but also boast a unique history of their own. This is especially true for a category of jokes known as the" Yo Mama jokes" which thrive on an aggregate of occupying and sad events.

To give a slight perspective of how Yo Mama jokes originated, it would be beneficial to mention an African American practice of long-standing which may be termed as an oral custom of hurdling insults on to the other person, usually an acquaintance and taking turns until the opponent was left with no witty and critical comebacks. These insults varied in intensity and are generally termed as "playing the dozens". While the custom may sound to be absurd and nonsensical to many, the age-old tradition on the contrary, requires the contestants to be apt enough to combine their witty conceptions with facetious expressions so as to produce the desired effect. The retorts had to be unpredictably witty and satirical in order for an individual to win.

This custom of "playing the dozens" is said to have originated from the practice of selling old and deformed slaves in an auction. The slaves were generally sold by the dozen. Undoubtedly this mocking and deriding event was a great blow to the Black slaves who were grouped together in lots of "cheap dozens" and then sold to the slave owners.

So how do Yo Mama jokes link to something so disrespectful and contemptuous? This custom of ridiculing their opponents led to the emergence of a new category of jokes called the Yo Mama jokes which helped slaves survive in harmony among themselves and maintain their tolerance while adding joy to their lives with these trivial jokes and witty remarks. This oral custom is said to have been developed by the elderly male slaves to increase the acceptance level among their younger friends. Sadly, as slaves were treated with great contempt and cruelty in those days, a great many young slaves lost their lives while fighting or protesting against the abusive treatment they received.

The basic idea behind these jokes was to enable these young slaves to develop a tolerance against the jokes concerning their mothers, thus enabling them to withstand and endure the cruelest and provoking remarks.

As humor has a way of seeping into our lives as a source of happiness and joyful emotions, it would be safe to conclude that "Yo Mama jokes gave these slaves a way of ridding their minds of their troubles and duties while enjoying some good time with each other.

To learn more about Jokes please visit

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You've Got to Be Joking!

I don't know about you, but I get a lot of joke stuff arriving in my email. I've got one buddy in particular who hardly lets a day go by without sending something.

Sometimes they're side-splittingly hilarious, and other times they just don't make the grade -- it's a question of taste I suppose.

Anyway, I was cleaning up my folders in Outlook Express recently to make some space on my hard disk (I've got a whopping 20 Gb and I'm already getting low on space -- must be all those MP3s...)

Well, anyway, I knew that my 'Jokes' folder was taking up a lot of memory (it's full of images, video files and so on), so I decided that a major cull was needed.

As I went down the list, I had no problem deleting the turkeys, but it broke my heart to delete the jokes that could still make me laugh second time around.

And then it hit me. Why not make an ebook full of all the funniest stuff? That way, I can delete them from my hard disk and pack them all neatly into a single, compressed ebook file. And, thus, the idea for "101 Hilarious Jokes To eMail Your Friends" was born.

It was never my intention to actually sell this ebook. However, it was never my expectation either, that it would prove to be such a resounding success.

Sure, I knew it would be popular with visitors. After all a joke collection is always a popular idea and, if it's free, well hey, all the better.

The point though is, I never fully appreciated just how much additional traffic this funny little book could generate. I get at least 100 extra visitors EVERY DAY thanks to a book that I just put together to save disk space.

Not bad for two hours of enjoyable 'work'.

So what's the moral of the story?

Well there are three of them:

MORAL# 1: Free ebooks are a terrific way to promote any online business.

MORAL# 2: People like jokes! Humor is always in demand and, yes, a lot of people are willing to pay for it.

But here's a tip if you plan on selling joke ebooks -- don't make a general "101 Jokes" ebook. It would sell some copies, but not enough. A far better approach is to target SPECIFIC audiences.

Instead of '101 Hilarious Jokes To eMail Your Friends', why not "101 Hilarious Jokes For Expectant Moms", "101 Hilarious Jokes For Lawyers With A Conscience" or "101 Hilarious Jokes For Dairy Farmers".

Okay, I admit, that the second title wouldn't have much of a market:-), but imagine the novelty gift idea value of the others.

Okay, specialist joke books will take you longer to compile than general joke books, but think of the fun you'll have along the way.

Once you've finished compiling an appropriate collection of jokes for the target market, all you've got to do is ensure that you aim your promotion at the right people and, hey presto, you're in the money!

MORAL# 3: There is an infinite number of ideas for top-selling ebooks and coming up with those ideas is much easier than you may think. And, once you know how to pluck great ideas out of thin air, your success in ebook publishing is a simple matter of promoting your ebooks to the right target market.

Have fun!

About The Author

Michael Hopkins is owner of the Ebook Times Newsletter and Blog.

Visit Now for Tips, Tools, Resources and Free Ebooks to Download:

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Violent Jokes in Our Iranian Culture

Violent Jokes

A culture of violence creates its own spheres of interpersonal relationships. Culture is all around us and we live with it. We Iranian live with a culture of violence all around us. We just need to notice it and to be aware of how we talk. There are many situations we may not have influence to change, however, we can change our selves. We can change our reality by incorporating a language of peace into it.

We can prevent violence if we do not make peace with it and do not introduce it into our daily life. We can choose to live with the culture of peace and happiness. What do I mean? Our jokes reveal a lot of what I will try to say.

Have you noticed that war, killings, murders, death, hangings, executions, assassinations, and torture have found a way into our daily Iranian lives?

How? I will tell you!

We construct and perpetuate, deplore and defeat vanity, hopelessness, abuse, neglect, rape, and various deviations. We internalize violence and desensitize cruelty. We internalize our really hard once we tell those stories in form of jokes.

How many jokes do we hear about war and the way people are dismembered and disabled?

Instead of rejecting these dark areas impacting our lives, we are incorporating them into our lives. What do I mean?

How many jokes do we tell about the way people are killed by chemicals, gas, weapons of mass destruction, bombs, rockets, missiles and all that?

How many jokes do we share about how people are being punished and tortured in the hell or Jahanam as we say?

How many jokes do we know regarding how men and women would be punished differently due to the adult life they choose to have?

How many jokes do we tell about people who are being given a choice for the way they want to be dead? Those choices are about how less painful death could be.

How many jokes do we make about clothes restrictions for women in our home country and what the responses of those women would be?

How many jokes do we hear about child molestation, addictions, prostitution, theft, and other social issues that no one wants to deal with in our home country?

The lists go on and on...

We compare, contrast, confront, label, stigmatize, and generalize the negativity and violence forced upon us. We do all these acts once we get desensitized by jokes that are incongruent with the way we want our life to be.

There is a certain pattern in all these jokes; they are projecting the inhuman reality that is created by human-caused disasters.

Why is that?

Maybe we try to make light of these horrible experiences that make no sense whatsoever. Maybe we try to bring a tone of resiliency into our daily routines by laughing at the unfathomable life in migration all around us.

Now the question is:

When did killing and torture become this normal in our culture?

When did we lose feelings and emotions about people being punished for any reason?

Why should punishment be the response for everything?

Why are we so discouraged and hopeless?

Why have we let a culture of violence encompass our daily lives?

Why we are perpetuating all the inappropriate behaviors, all the inhuman acts, and all the dehumanizing stories?

What do we think we are passing down to our next generations?

This is worth thinking about it. What would our next generations say about us?

It is worth exploring what kind of idea is behind all the horrible jokes we tell one other?

I assume we can not joke around topics such as happiness, joy, love, partnership, and kindness. But do we have to go this far for having fun?

Some people may say, jokes are supposed to be this way.

For this reason we should ask what way?

Most of the jokes that we tell one another reflect what is going on in our home country and what has been the format of our life so far. Most of these jokes are only sad stories of lives that have been wasted.

Where is our dignity?

I guess we have lost the point of having fun.

Note: this article is modified version of what was written for the writer's own website.

Poran Poregbal

Vancouver, B.C

June 26, 2008

I would like to open up a healthy exploration of our Iranian culture and what is included. In doing so, we need to be able to challenge our beliefs about our own culture. Just by analyzing our own culture, we would be able to help our next generations in adjusting in wherever we live with the respect for our own Iranian culture. However, we need to set up new boundaries and define many concepts from scratch zero. I would like to encourage healthy communication, positive participation, and cooperation in respect to building healthy families within our Iranian community. Mental health issues are my main area of interest where I hope to offer a multicultural sensitive counseling. Poran Poregbal, RSW, MA (pending)

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Behind the Scenes of Reality TV With Joke Productions

Joke Fincioen and Biagio Messina are the husband and wife team behind the very successful production company Joke Productions. You may not know them personally, but you know their work across the television landscape with such hits as VH1's Scream Queen, CW's Beauty and Geek, Style Network's Foody Call, E!'s Celebrity Drive By and others.

They're executive producers with ideas and they know how to get a show made.  What's different about these pros is their willingness to share their experience and help others.  They agreed to an interview and I jumped at the chance to get a look behind the curtain of Reality TV making.  Here's Joke and Biagio.

As executive producers/show runners what are the specific hats you wear and how do you divide them amongst each other?

Joke: We both handle big-picture creative in terms of content, overall vision for each show, etc.  On a more day-to-day level, I oversee most of the logistics, scheduling, budgeting, staffing and managing crew, on top of dealing with both casting and story departments.  Biagio has a knack for dealing with talent, so he is their producer, doing pick-ups etc.  As the resident master editor, he's also much more involved with making sure we get all the shots we need, so he's point for the director and DP in those situations.

Biagio: Yeah, I'm really lucky I married Joke! She is a genius. She's creative and great with planning/logistics.  I'm creative and, well, I'm creative. However, we've both run entire productions by ourselves, so we've each had to handle creative and logistics on our own. I use David Allen's Getting Things Done method to help me be ALMOST as good as Joke logistically, but when we can both work together on a project, I dive for the writer's chair, director's chair, or the edit bay. I've also self-taught myself motion graphics, and often end up editing and creating 2D and 3D elements for  our shows.  I tend to do all the graphics work on pilots. On series, I usually do quick supplements to what the graphics company provides.  In low-budget situations, Joke and I will do the filming ourselves, and I will edit, mix, and create the graphics.

When it comes to reality TV, one of the first steps is casting real people.  Why is casting so important to the success of a Reality TV show, and what do you look for?

Joke: Most, if not all, reality shows live and die by their cast.  Our job as reality producers is to create a world our cast can live in, set up boundaries, but then let cast members run free within those boundaries.  That's when the magic happens...when you let the cast be themselves within the world you created.

For that to be a success you need people who don't self-censor. Reality TV cast members must be comfortable with who they are and be willing to share their true opinions and feelings.

We look for those who are excited about the journey they are about to embark on. They must be truthful about their strengths AND their weaknesses.  And yes, they have to be open about both because that's what makes them relatable, rootable or despiseable to our audience.  Anyone who comes in faking or hiding who they really are is out. We've learned to spot the fakers.

Remember, not everyone is right for a reality show.  Not everyone is exciting enough, or open enough, and that's ok!  Not everyone is meant to be a pro-athlete either.

Biagio:  Choosing cast members is a puzzle that takes weeks to solve.  Every show has it's own demands.  For instance, when we cast Beauty and the Geek, we had to find a group of Geeks who were socially inept, extremely smart, but still willing to open up on camera-a tall order for brainiacs who don't like to talk to people as it is!

Plus, they had to have great make-over potential, and the ability to learn something from our Beauties.  Likewise, the Beauties had to be beautiful, not exactly book-smart, and be willing to live in a house with a bunch of geeky guys. AND we had to believe they'd grow and change over the course of the season and learn something from our Geeks.  Finally, all Beauties and all Geeks have to be unique from each other, so you'd remember them.  This means some potentially great cast members don't make the show because they look too much like another person we're casting that season.

For Scream Queens, on the other hand, we need girls from a wide range of acting backgrounds and geographic locations who could potentially appear in a major motion picture.  We have to ask ourselves:

Are they a good enough actress?

If not, do they have enough raw ability to become a far better actress over the course of the show?

Do they look like a Scream Queen?

Does everyone in the cast look different enough from each other?

Being an ex-actor myself (I played the dorky next-door neighbor on Kenan and Kel) I know how hard it is to go out for audition after audition.  Seeing what a grueling casting process Scream Queens has been makes me happy I became a producer instead!

When producing a reality show how much of the story gets determined in post production?

JOKE:  Someone said that a scripted show gets written 3 times, once on the page, once during shooting, then again in the edit bay.  You can say the same about reality.  We go out there with a sense of what we're going to get, we develop the challenges and can predict certain reactions from the cast to those challenges.  But, when shooting, everything can change at any moment. That's the exhilarating part about reality, and many times they story we would have never thought of is much better than anything we could have predicted.

Also, when we get to post, and we comb through our hours and hours of footage, we find these gems we didn't even know we had.  With cameras running at all hours of the day, you can't possibly see and hear everything, so it's fun to discover new nuances or insights in the bay.

Biagio: We're both writers, and part of the reason we wanted to get into documentary and reality TV was that real people are always more interesting than anything we could ever make up.  We wanted to expose ourselves to people from all walks of life to help us become better writers and story-tellers.  So casting real people and then telling them what to do would go against the whole reason we started producing unscripted TV in the first place.

Are there reality shows on TV that are heavily scripted ahead of time? I'm sure there are. But again, that's not why we wanted Reality TV to be part of our repertoire.  The whole allure of making an unscripted show is the excitement of not knowing what's happening next.

Do we cast people we think will have interesting chemistry, stories, and conflicts with each other? Of course.  Are we guessing that a challenge where girls are covered in cockroaches will get a rise out of the cast?  Yes.  But do we say, "Okay, now you say X, you say Y, then get in a fight and break something" to our cast? No.

What do you look for in a director for your shows, and what's your collaboration process?

JOKE:  The need for a director in reality varies from show to show.

When you're dealing with a docu-series, having a producer who can also tell your camera operators what to shoot is much more cost effective.  You do need to rely more on your cam ops at that point to frame pretty pictures, but a strong DP in the A cam position usually gets it done.

When you're dealing with a multi-camera situation (more than 3 cameras) a director/supervising producer is needed to manage all those bodies and decide who will be shooting what.  Whether that's a senior story producer directing cameras on where to go in a during in-house reality, or a supervising producer/director setting up camera positions for format elements like challenges and eliminations, it's a role that involves lots of communication with other departments.  They must talk to the AD, the DP, Story, Art, etc.

We look for people who can work as part of a team, are cool under pressure, know their stuff and are fun to be around.  Going into production is like going into battle. You want someone you like next to you in the trenches.

Biagio:   I like directors who are also great photographers, and who've carried a camera on their shoulder at some point in their career.  If the have editing experience, BIG PLUS.  Too many directors have never sat in a bay.  I want a director who knows first hand how to make a scene work in post.

Story sense is also hugely important.  Often times in reality, a director gives you what they think is good coverage, but all they've handed over is a bunch of angles un-connected to the story. It's a nightmare!  Aspiring reality directors: shooting pretty pictures is not enough! Please, listen to the story that's unfolding.  This isn't scripted, you actually have to adjust your angles to the reality of what's happening.

You're about to produce the 2nd season of VH1's Scream Queens, where the challenges are often terrifying and always unique.  Who creates the challenges?

JOKE:  This is again a collaborative process.  We have a challenge department, a story department, we bring in experts to tell us what's doable in terms of SFX, etc.  Ultimately there are lots of brainstorm sessions where we try to "crack" the challenges. We then present to the network and have a collaborative back and forth with them.

On Scream Queens in particular, we also consult with the judges who add their own ideas or bring to light interesting perspectives or feedback on some of our internally created ideas.

Biagio: Challenges for reality TV have to be big and visual.  A straight up acting challenge is a very boring thing.  Throw in a leap from a forty-foot window and now you've got something.  When brainstorming challenges, we have to ask ourselves:

Will it look compelling on TV?

With it cause an emotional reaction in our cast?

Will the challenge itself create great reality moments later?

That last one is important.  If the cast isn't affected enough emotionally by a challenge to be learning from it, talking about it, debating it, and arguing about it later, it's probably not a good challenge.

Production work can sometimes be 24/7 - so I have to ask, does being married make it easier or more difficult to work together?

JOKE: For me personally, easier.  My parents worked together in their own business all my life, so did my grandparents and 2 sets of aunts & uncles.  It's all I know.  To me home is wherever Biagio is, so whether that's on set, or on the ride home after a long day, it makes it easier.  I couldn't imagine my life not working with my spouse, not sharing everything, not working towards the same goal.  But it's not for everyone. There obviously are times we disagree and that's why we work extra hard at communicating effectively.  When we're tired or hungry, we're not always that effective :)

Biagio: My parents divorced when I was 14, and it was the hardest thing I ever went through.  I decided I'd never get married unless I met my soul mate.  I met her. A woman named Joke.

I wanted to build a life with someone who I was not only madly in love with, but who I also liked enough to be around all the time.  A best friend.

Joke is my best friend, my business parter, and my wife.  And the truth is, I feel like I married way out of my league!  Every day I'm thankful to have a constant companion who's just so freaking awesome.  The hardest times are when we're apart more than a few hours.  I think since we married in 2001 we've spent less than 10 days apart, and every one of them sucked.

Admittedly, it's not easy when the person who means everything to you says, "No, I don't like that graphic you made." Or I say to her, "I really think that schedule is wrong."  But we've learned not to take it personally, because we know we're stronger as a team.  We make each other better, and that makes our projects better. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thank you Joke and Biagio!  For more information about Joke and Biagio visit Joke Productions.  If you want information on how to be a producer, breaking into Hollywood, storytelling and much more visit their blog.

Maria Lokken Maria is the award winning television producer of several series including The Eddie Files for PBS, TV Land Confidential for TV Land, Factory Made for The Discovery Channel and a new series Real Savvy Moms.

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Know the Right Jokes For Public Speaking to Keep Audiences Laughing

Everyone loves a good laugh and that's why jokes for public speaking can go a long way in creating a presentation that is not only more relaxed, but also more effective.

But speakers should also be aware that jokes for public speaking not only have to be funny, they also have to be appropriate and have some relevancy to the topic being discussed.


Finding jokes for public speaking isn't that difficult, either. From books to Web sites, there are a number of resources to which a speaker can turn. It's also acceptable for a speaker to recycle jokes that they have told previously or heard during casual conversation.


One source of material for jokes include sports rivalries, politics (especially if it relates to local races), hometown celebrities or any other topic that can be used to spark an audience's interest and funny bone.


Regardless of a joke's subject, a speaker has to always remember that whatever humorous tale he relates has to have bearing on his comments. That's because he's a speaker and not a comedian, thus his audience is not expecting only to hear a monologue like that they would at a comedy club.


There are also certain things that jokes for public speaking should avoid. Remarks that are intended to illicit laughter may actually result in hurt feelings, anger or embarrassment for some.


Because of this, a speaker should remember to exclude certain subjects in his jokes. Among them are:

· Profanity, sexual innuendo, discussion of body functions, etc.

· Comments ridiculing the handicapped, poor or any other less fortunate groups

· Religion. Unless a speaker is addressing a religious group or his topic relates to religion, matters of faith should be avoided and this rule also applies to jokes. Discussing such may not only offend some in a speaker's audience, it may also anger them

· It's also important to steer clear of jokes that mock individuals from certain geographic regions or countries. A speaker doesn't want to be mean-spirited and hurt someone from those areas because they may very well be a part of his audience or sympathize with someone who is


Yet another consideration when it comes to jokes for public speaking involves timing. Most every joke will succeed, regardless of its delivery. But for some jokes, pauses and an emphasis on certain words may be necessary for the joke to work. That's why speaker have to be sure they not only telling the right jokes, but are also confident that they know how to deliver them.


Go ahead and make your audience laugh. Just be sure to remember that you're telling the right jokes, know how to tell them and keep it to a minimum.

Say Good Bye To Public Speaking Fears For Good,
Save Yourself From Making Embarrassing Mistakes.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Short Jokes Are the Best Medium to Create Fun at All Celebrations

We like spending our vacant time in participating in lots of activities. We can not sit idle and try to do some kind of funny activities. But among all activities, short jokes are the best way to utilize the time. We often get many chances to share different kinds of pranks in many celebrations. I would like to share some occasions and the kind of jokes to be shared at that time:-

For friends: There is no formality in friendship. You are welcome to share any kind of pranks with friends. You can share clean jokes and dirty or naughty jokes with your mates. I would rather say that they prefer to hear dirty and naughty jokes instead of clean or social jokes. You can have lots of fun and laughter with your well-wishers.

For family and relatives: It is the place where you care for limitation and boundaries. The family and relatives always like to hear clean jokes with a good message. Here you find your cousins, parents, uncle, aunts etc. Your cousins, in same age group, may like to hear some naughty jokes. So you can make your relation stronger while creating a good sense of humor with them. You can share social jokes with your elders to start a conversation.

For Birthdays and anniversaries: These kind of occasions are common and everyone wants to celebrate them with full enjoyment. So lots of short jokes are there on birthdays and anniversaries. Even you can make naughty jokes on couples to pull their legs and no one take it wrong, even they enjoy it.

For tours and travels: We usually go outside to see the world and to change our atmosphere. We travel by car, bus or plane. You can share many funny instances there to spend your journey time. That is the time when people around you feel a little bore and you can show your existence with your active sense of humor. You can share some social and family jokes to fill the environment with fun.

For marriage and parties: You can play many funny short jokes in Marriage and parties. In these kind of functions you meet with lots of your old friends and relatives. You can share your old childhood memories with them. Here is the place where your may seek for your girlfriend/boyfriend or life partner. So get noticed with your laughter and good sense of humor.

Read the best short jokes for all kinds of occasions and make life better with Short Quotes

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There Are Some Situations When You Should Not Play Short Jokes

Short jokes are good for creating fun and humor in the environment. They are capable of bringing fun and laughter in the atmosphere. But some people do not think about other's feelings. There jokes may hurt someone and situation may become worst. Simply understand that these kinds of amusement tricks are made for making others happy and comfortable.

There are some places and circumstances, where we must take care for some common things while playing jokes. We should share them on right place, at right time and with right person. So there are many situations where you should not make jokes.

o When your friend or relative or even a stranger is going on road and falls down. Never make a joke on this situation. It is time to go ahead and help. It is an accident and you may also become a victim of it.

o Do not play jokes when the people around you are sad or stuck up in some serious problem.

o When you are public function or in office, do not play jokes on anyone personal life. It may hurt him.

o Do not play prank on anyone's color complexion or physical disability. Because it is something that they have got by chance not by their choice.

o When you are in official meeting or in a seminar with your boss, do not make a mistake of playing joke there as It may result in your bad impression in their eyes and may add negative points on your work seriousness.

o Do not make fun of anyone's name in any public show or in any get together. No one will tolerate that.

o Do not play jokes when you in function where politics and country's named personalities are invited. Your one wrong jokes may create a big problem for you and you will become a part of big controversy.

o Do not make jokes when someone is sharing very critical and important information with you.

o Avoid tho jokes kind of jokes making fun of your teacher and parents. You should Respect them.

These are the understood facts, but sometimes we cross our limits and make blunders. It is worthless to harm your reputation for the sake of playing fun. We should maintain our dignity and behave according to situation.

Always Play good short jokes according to demand of events and you can read Short quotes to move towards success.

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Computer Jokes Can Easily Create Laughter Among the Crowd

Unlike the word "Computer", jokes regarding it are also famous in the same ratio around the whole world. People like and enjoy reading and listening jokes about the equipment they use most of the time.

Computer jokes basically include the stupid behavior of its tech. support and its users. Although it has become an inseparable part of our life, with the upgrading technology people are still confused to use it and their stupid question becomes the part of a joke which will obviously tickle your bone with laughter. As being familiar with the word computer and its functioning, you can enjoy the jokes related to it. It is more comprehensive and easy to understand which results to a quick laughter within you.

Funny computer pictures are also great to enjoy. You can find lots of them on web as they play a vital role to keep the funny computer jokes rolling on. As these jokes are funny and can be cracked any where, whenever an appropriate situation is available among the group. As most of us are use to with the term and its associates it can easily create laughter among the crowd.

You can read and enjoy some o of the funny computer jokes below:


A woman called tech support and said her computer couldn't find the printer. The tech asked, "Are you working under windows?" The woman replied "no I'm near the door but the guy in the next cubical is working under a window and his printer works fine."


A new employee calls the Help desk to complain that there's something wrong with her password. No, it's not the usual caps-lock problem.

"The problem is that whenever I type the password, it just shows stars," she says.

"Those asterisks are to protect you," the Help Desk technician explains, "so if someone were standing behind you, they wouldn't be able to read your password."

"Yeah," she says, "but they show up even when there is no one standing behind me."


There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire to become a great writer.

When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"

He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.


The above jokes were some of the funny computer jokes to entertain you. For more funny stuff regarding it, you can find huge collection of funny computer jokes on web.

Unlike the word "Computer", jokes regarding it are also famous in the same ratio around the whole world. Find a good collection of Computer Jokes at

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Late Night Shows Jokes Getting Out of Hand?

"Laughter is the best medicine" - one of the best quotes that can get us through life's challenges. But what if this laughter comes from jokes that are seriously below the belt? Can we still consider it as a cure or more of a major pain? Also, what if these jokes actually come from TV personalities who have become part of our everyday lives? Let me give my own discernment on this matter.

Being a certified couch potato, I have grown familiar of almost every kind of show in either in free TV or Cable channels. I found myself accustomed to watching funny and opinionated programs, including late night shows. These types of shows are basically formatted in a comic way and the hosts are designed to project the image of a stand-up comedian. They do monologue and crack jokes mostly focused on current events. They imitate, criticize and joke about almost every person and event that concerns the viewers. But in my opinion, these comedians are not really hitting people or issues below the belt.

First, it's part of their job to entertain.  Whether David Letterman jokes about a political figure or competitor Jay Leno, the most that people could do is hate it or laugh about it. It might affect their perception towards that person, but today's viewers are smart and their final judgment will still be based on the person involved. Regardless if the joke was intentional or not, Letterman just did his job and made his audience laugh.

Second, jokes, which are said to be half meant, are still "jokes" and are not something factual or genuine. So even if comedian Jimmy Kimmel said the harshest things about politician Sarah Palin, it still remains a joke and it is not something stated on a legal basis. We should also take in regard that even comedians make fun of themselves, which only shows that they would take any risk just to tickle the audience's funny bone.

Third, people should understand that the media is not a place for perfection. A TV series is not made without villains, Talent Competitions are not complete without critics and late night shows are programmed to make people laugh, either in a nice or nasty way.

Lastly, everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion. I think the only disadvantage here is that late night show comedians are seen on National TV and ordinary people are not. But we should all admit that even we, common individuals also make fun of others, especially celebrities and politicians. I believe that we should still give credits to late night show comedians, whether their jokes are quite offensive are not, they still make our minds work and they still make us laugh.

Not to say I'm not a fan of late night shows but I'm just observing. For more Funny Jokes by comedians please visit

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Keeping it Light - How to Go About Writing Best Man Jokes

Being the best man in a wedding, you need to take note that you have several duties. One, you would need to throw the groom a smashing bachelor's party. Two, you would need to hold the rings and three, you would have to give a great best man speech.

The party is easy, just stick him in a room of dancing women, throw in a couple of beers and he'll most likely be as happy as a child counting his bag of treats after trick or treating. The ring duty, you wouldn't even break a sweat on that one (unless you lose the tings which is an entirely different story altogether). But the speech part? This is the one duty that makes the honorable duty of being a best man a chore. And a best man speech has a staple joke here and there so that the toast is toast lively and entertaining.

Here are some do's and don'ts that you need to take note of in your best man jokes.

Do: Pepper your toast with jokes.

Do Not: Make the entire toast into a joke. A wedding in itself is a solemn affair and the toast should also end on a heartfelt note. You can use a funny quote to end it but it should also be a quote that has a heart warming meaning to it.

Do: Have relevant best man jokes about the couple.

Do Not: Have green jokes or jokes that you will not let your kids hear. A wedding is a family affair, not a guys night out so make sure you censor yourself.

Do: Recall the funny stories that you can remember about the groom and the bride.

Do Not: Retell stories about ex-girlfriends or ex-boyfriends as that may just hit a wrong nerve on the couple. You may find the story funny as hell but if it tends to bring up past relationships, better return it to your joke shelf and use it some other time.

Do: Search the web for some jokes that you can use. There are some websites that have wedding jokes in them. Or for a more comprehensive help, see many of the websites available on the net.

Do Not: Only use jokes that you got over the internet. You have to make your own so that the speech doesn't seem to canned or you can use funny anecdotes that you remember about the couple.

Do: Ask a friend to listen to your best man jokes before you actually give the speech. Or better yet, have a trusted friend hear the entire speech first so he or she can give you pointers on what to work on.

Do Not: Ask someone else to write ALL your best man jokes or write your speech for you. The speech is really your take on the couple and marriage as a whole and having someone else write the entirety of your toast is just plain wrong.

If you are looking for something that will literally hold your hand while you are making your best man speech, then you need to go to the internet to find some great examples and samples.

Blake Stearnwall is a writer and an entrepreneur. To learn more about best man jokes, feel free to visit his website at

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Origin of Yo Mama Jokes

Not many categories of jokes have a history or background. We don't know who started them or why they were started. Surprisingly enough when it comes to yo mama jokes they come with a very interesting background. Yo mama jokes are also referred to as 'the dozens' and is an tradition among African Americans in which two people (that are usually guys) will compete against each other in trash talking. This trash talking is all in good fun and in the middle of it are their mothers.

The two competitors will go back and forth and try to come up with the best comeback jokes against the other person's mother until someone gives up in defeat. Playing the dozens using yo mama jokes is played to see who is has the better mental toughness and mental agility. Each joke that is used makes it that much more difficult for the other to respond with a comeback.

If you listen closely to these jokes and when two are competing against each other you will notice a hint of elements that are often used to create many hip hop songs called 'battling'.

Usually yo mama jokes are used to poke fun at others and no one takes it personal. However, there are times when people do it to be personal. When this happens people start to become very angry and in most cases it will end with some type of violent act. But in its best form the dozens is just purely verbal sparring.

Yo mama jokes are just one example of the dozens game. They are very cryptic, short, and in most cases downright hilarious. Other times the fathers, sisters, brothers, or even wives will be the object of attention.

Yo Mama Jokes can be downright hilarious if you spar with the right person. You find a whole list of them at Funny & Jokes as well as hundreds of other jokes, comics, and games.

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Exploring Life - Hiding Your Problems Behind A Joke Only Works To Make Your Life A Joke

How many times have we heard people tell a joke that we're not sure was a joke? How many times have we had someone tell us something we think is true, then they tell us they were only joking? More often than not what they were telling us was the truth; but were afraid to admit to, it so they hid it inside a joke instead.

This doesn't just apply to other people doing it; chances are you've also done it too. In many ways this is a good defense mechanism because it allows us be honest without risking ourselves. However, that doesn't mean it's all good; there are many situations when this becomes more harmful than beneficial.

A perfect example of that is when we say something harmful or negative. By being able to hide it in a joke we get to undermine it in our life. Unfortunately, the person the "joke" was made about doesn't get that same luxury. They get to deal with it as a full-on slap in the face, while you just walk away. Because you we're willing to make it a joke, it made it acceptable for you to do it in the first place - making it harmful, not funny. Whereas, if you hadn't made it a joke you never would have done it at all.

Another example would be when you undermine things in your own life. By turning real issues and problems into a "joke", it ensures you'll never have to look at them or deal with them. That ensures that the problem will never get dealt with; unfortunately, it also works to make sure the problem becomes bigger. Even though it did give you an excuse to not look at it, hiding it behind a joke only makes things worse.

However, there are other many other options available than turning things into a "joke". Instead of undermining the problems and issues in our life, we can minimize them instead. It doesn't turn it into a joke, yet still allows us to look at and deal with them. By minimizing the situation, it makes it easier to deal with without having to sell ourselves out, lie about the situation, or manipulate ourselves.

So before you decide to turn things into a "joke", why not take a step back and re-evaluate what you were about to do? You may just find that you're far more willing to hurt yourself and others when you can claim its a joke, but not so willing when its the truth.

Copyright Devon K ( All Rights Reserved

Devon K has been helping people learn more about themselves and how to live a better life for over fifteen years. In that time his works have been featured in magazines, blogs, and is scattered all over the Internet. If you found this article entertaining or educational in some way, why not head over to Devon's website

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The Anatomy of a Joke - (How to Write a Great Joke!)

Want to add a few jokes to your next written piece? No problem. As a professional stand-up comedienne and writer who stays afloat by selling volumes of jokes each month (Clinton's antics paid my mortgage and Bush isn't doing too badly either), I'll pass on some joke writing tips that'll send you in the right direction. Since there are no formal "rules" to joke writing, I've made up my own. . .

Jokes involve a set-up with the subject and facts, and a punch line that highlights the irony, twists the joke in another direction, or gives an outrageous result.

RULE 1: Use familiarity, word associations and common assumptions. We know Strom Thurmond is old (okay, dead, but I like these examples, so play along), Liz Taylor is chubby, etc. So take your subject and list phrases, synonyms, stereotypes, sayings, people, places and things connected with it. If you do this when writing an age joke for example, and you want to describe how old someone is, then just list words you associate with old... and you may get - "I won't say he's old, but he babysat Strom Thurmond." Or when trying to describe how chubby someone is, list out chubby people or things and you might get "I won't say she's chubby, but she gives her hand-me-downs to Liz Taylor." You get the picture. Using an analogy is funnier than just saying someone is chubby or old. Also use familiar set-ups like "he's so cheap...," "this town is so expensive..."and brainstorm what things are cheap, expensive, etc. to get some comparisons.

RULE 2: Exaggerate things to the extreme. Saying Liz Tyalor is 400 pounds is funny, but it may be too close to the truth. Saying she weighs 1200 pounds is funnier because the picture of a 1200-pound woman is, just, well, funny. (Besides, noooobody weighs 1200 pounds, so you're pretty safe... even 400 pound people will laugh at that one.)

RULE 3: Be brief. Bill Cosby can go on for hours with a single joke. The rest of us should only include facts in the set-up that NEED to be there for the punch to work. Delete unneeded adjectives and prepositional phrases, so that all words pertain to the punch line. I try to keep my jokes to 3 typed lines (not 3 sentences, but 3 lines). When you make a crack about Britney Spears fighting with Kevin Federline, her ex-husband, you don't really need to say "her ex-husband." Pretty much everyone knows his status. Really, less is better... unless you're Bill Cosby.

RULE 4: Show the irony. That's what you're really trying to do is pull out the irony in a situation. Look at it as a good news/bad news... find the irony by listing out all the good and bad in a situation, either real or made-up, and then match them up to see the inconsistencies. "The good news is we're giving out free tickets to the buffet. The bad news is, you'll be in line behind Liz Taylor."

RULE 5: Twist the joke. Give out a real fact in the set up, and make up a crazy (exaggerated) fact in the punch line. A lot of times punch lines are grouped in threes with the crazy fact at the end. Three things just seems to have a good cadence.

RULE 6: Speaking of punch lines, make sure the last word, or pretty darn close to the last word, is the zinger punch line. No prepositional phrases or other words after that word. Really, I'm not kidding. See these examples of jokes I sold:

"A new study has found that the anti-anxiety drug fluvoxamine is effective in relieving anxiety in school-age children. Of course, it's not quite as effective as getting their braces off."

The words "their teeth" don't need to be included because we already get it and it would just slow down the joke.

"The first bloodless surgery was performed this week in which a kid who is a Jehovah's Witness got a new liver without a blood transfusion. The parents were so happy, they almost celebrated!"

The word "celebrated" is the punch... no need to say "celebrated his survival" because we already get it and it would just slow down the joke.

RULE 7: The "Cuh" sound. A general comedy rumor is that words with the "c" or "k" sound are funny. Who knows if this is true, but ya gotta admit, the names Chuck and Cletus are funnier than Steve and Stuart. (especially if Chuck and Cletus are dating Liz Taylor... no?)

There are many more joke tips, but these will get you started so that people will read your material and you'll achieve fame, fortune, and timely car payments!

Jan McInnis, The Work Lady, is a corporate comedian and comedy writer who has performed at hundreds of private events, flying Southwest A LOT. She was recently featured in the ?Wall Street Journal? as one of the ?popular convention comedians.? Jan also sells comedy material to radio & TV daily, and she can be reached at

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Why Wait For Someone Else To Create Really Funny Jokes?

Let's face it, we all love a laugh. We need funny events, funny jokes, comedy shows, cartoons, or even just listening to someone with an infectious laugh, because when we laugh it's nature's drug free high. We feel good about life, just for those moments.

Thousands of people trawl the Net each day in search of the latest jokes. There is a definite sense of one-upmanship if you can tell a joke the other person has yet to hear. Better still if you can regularly do it. Just think about the thousands of emails circulating workplaces with jokes, funny pictures, or daft video attached.

The sad thing about this activity is that we are all relying on someone out there to come up with, or who can point us in the direction of, these daily funnies. It never occurs to us that maybe we could come up with a joke ourselves. To create a joke that no-one has heard before, and start it on a world wide internet adventure is an exhilarating feeling, but too much like hard work for most. They'd rather spend time posting the same tired old gags on internet joke forums, or trawling joke sites in the vain hope of spotting something new.

Yet jokes don't just materialise out of digital nowhere. Someone somewhere has created them. Admittedly a lot are taken from routines of well known comedians, albeit in most cases without due credit, or lifted from comedy shows, but a significant amount are created by ordinary folk who had a lightbulb moment.

We can all do it if we take the time. We often say funny or amusing things that we immediately forget about, or something will happen during the day that raises a smile, or, better still, forces a laugh. Imagine being able to recall all those wonderful moments and write them down. What a wealth of material. You could undoubtedly write your own comedy series.

If you're not blessed with total recall then play around with words. The English language is fertile ground when it comes to growing your own jokes. Puns and double-entendres abound. Give yourself half an hour, arm yourself with a dictionary, and flick through, picking pages at random. Look for words with more than one meaning. Bar is a classic example.

A man walked into a bar. Ouch!

When you're looking at definitions, make a note too of common terms and phrases associated with that word. Use a well known phrase as your punchline and work backwards. The more you train yourself to look for amusing connections, the easier it becomes to create funny lines. Given a few practice runs there's no reason why your creation shouldn't be the latest hot joke doing the Internet rounds.

I'll leave you with a joke I created a while ago, but which came about when I was playing cards. The two key words here are hand and trump. I came up with the punchline first and then filled in the rest.

A Doctor is not surprised to see the name of a particular patient on his list. The elderly gent in question has recently had heart surgery and treatment for painful arthritis in his hand. However, there is another reason for his visit.

"It`s very embarrassing, Doctor. But I keep breaking wind in company. I was at the golf club Thursday and couldn`t stop myself. On Friday it was all quiet in the chess club until I let one go. Same thing has happened at the Dancing Club, the Social Club and the Gardeners Club. I can`t seem to stop blowing off."

"Alright" says the Doctor, "Let`s check a couple of things. Are you wearing any gold or precious stones?"

The old man is somewhat puzzled but says, "Good Lord, no. Never been into wearing anything like that."

"And are you still digging vegetables on your allotment?"

"No. The wife was concerned it was too much for me, so she put my shovels away in the loft where I can`t get at them."

"Mmmm" says the Doctor, "I think I see your problem. High spades, a dodgy heart, too many clubs and no diamonds. With a hand like yours you`re bound to trump!"

Graham Parry, is editor of The Bramfieldian, presenting up to the minute spoof news from the Suffolk village of Bramfield.

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Wedding Reception Jokes - How to Use Them If You Are a Wedding MC

Wedding reception jokes are among the things that can add color and fun to a wedding reception. Especially if you are the master of ceremonies, delivering good jokes is one thing that you can do to make the guests at ease and to make the celebration fun and exciting even from the start.

Wedding receptions should not be some stiff and boring celebration and set of rituals and wedding speeches. As wedding emcee, you can actually make it fun for both the newlyweds and the guests.

If you are thinking about cracking some jokes on the wedding reception, there are also important points that you need to take into consideration, as weddings are also sensitive celebrations that you would not want to spoil. Of course, you don't want to spoil the celebration by insulting or putting the groom or the bride in an embarrassing situation. Wedding etiquette should always be observed - in wedding speeches especially when it comes to wedding reception jokes.

If you are tasked to become the wedding MC or master of ceremonies, it is important to consider wedding etiquette always. Keep in mind that weddings are not the place to make lengthy stories. For sure, you don't want to take away the focus from the bride and groom. Make your jokes short and witty. One liners are often best as wedding reception jokes. Jokes about marriage in general can also be a good one.

As wedding reception emcee, successfully cracking a good joke at the start of the celebration allows you to make the guests at ease and break the stiffness of the celebration. If you want a fun and exciting reception, you have to make a good start as well. A good joke will also help you overcome some nerves at the start of your wedding reception hosting task.

Keep in mind that a wedding MC is not just there to introduce and keep the flow of the program. You have to be an entertainer at the same time. In fact, you can have a collection of one liners and wedding jokes at hand to make the celebration a fun one. However, make sure that your jokes and punch lines sounds natural and conversational. Do not just read them off your list. Master it beforehand and make sure it serves the purpose you want it to be.

Delivery is very important as well. You have to practice to deliver the joke if you want to make it effective. Make sure also that your wedding reception jokes are appropriate and suited to the audience. Of course, it helps to have tasteful and funny jokes.

Be sure as well to avoid pulling off a joke that may embarrass, offend, or insult either the groom or the bride and even their families. It may be helpful to know a little bit of the background of the newlyweds so you will know what topics or joke subjects you would not want to bring up during the reception that may put them in an embarrassing situation.

Carolyn Anderson loves to share some tips if you emcee a wedding reception. For a great wedding joke collection, check out The Wedding Mc Jokebook. Also check out Wedding Speech 4u, where you can find tips on how to deliver great wedding speeches and sample wedding speeches that you can use for your wedding speech.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Funny One Line Jokes And Stand-Up Comedy Acts

Jokes are the most widespread form of buffoonery, probably because a joke is self-contained and the easiest device with which to trigger off laughter. Funny one line jokes are great and a bout of helpless laughter is highly prized in the modern world, it's today's equivalent of a swig of booze, not curing pain and worry but obscuring the symptoms for a few brief moments. Funny one line jokes are the nearest thing in life to complete escapism next to the climax of making love.

Telling jokes are how, the most social and professional comedians ventilate different anxieties and confirm our racial and other prejudices, it has been said, for every joke there is a sufferer. Laughing at our worries reduces their threat to us. And laughing at silly people who are not as bright or rich as we are makes us feel warm and secure. So the effect of buffoonery and funny one line jokes is opposite to that of classical comedy. In classical comedy, the aim of laughter is to benefit the person laughed at. With funny one line jokes, the laugh measures the laughter.

In between wit, buffoonery and funny one line jokes, lies the third and as far as comedy is concerned, the most interesting subdivision of comedy humor. If wit belongs mainly to the Well educated classes and buffoonery to the lower classes, humor and funny one line jokes is middle class. In medieval times a 'humor' was any of the four cardinal fluids - blood, phlegm, choler, and melancholy, or black bile which coursed round the body and according to their relative, determined a person's mental and physical state.

When one of the fluids is predominated, then a person's character was dominated by that particular 'humor'. He would become either over passionate (too much blood), dull and droopy (overdose of phlegm), quick-tempered and irascible (choler flowing too strongly), or gloomy and dejected (a touch too much of the melancholy, or black bile). Such a man was said to be in a 'humor'. Or, if he carried on behaving peculiarly, to be a 'humorist'.

Helped by the efforts of some industry greats, humor and funny one line jokes in its new meaning took root and became favored light reading amongst Augustan Age Literate Citizens, who were mostly from the rapidly expanding middle-classes. Humor, mostly due to funny one line jokes, long before it had a name, was not the invention of Greek playwrights or patrician Roman poets but of ordinary people and is the oldest of the three divisions of comedy, probably dating back to when the cave man first stood upright in the cave and knocked himself senseless, and the others laughed and told all the others about it. Then came along the funny one line jokes.

Humor is great for positive energy and personal development related topics. Get a Free Copy of ==> That's Comedy Joke Book. Also for the Latest and best in comedy and laughs, go to ==> Funny-One-Line-Jokes to completely crack-up and get totally sick! Warning.. It easily done!

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